According to J. C. Arnica, their Liproxenol Max supplement packs a powerful fat-fighting punch—max weight loss, max fat burn, and max results. T
The company takes it to the max with their guarantee as well, by providing customers with a 90-day evaluation period.
This product appears to have replaced the original Liproxenol product. It is targeted to many countries typically Australia, United States, Canada, the UK and Ireland
Potential benefits include:
- Boosts the metabolism.
- Suppresses the appetite
- Enhances lipid migration
- Facilitates the process of fat oxidation
- Dramatic weight loss (up to 15kg in 12 weeks)
- Lose weight without harsh diets or strenuous exercise
Marketing & Distribution
Liproxenol Max can only be purchased directly from the manufacturer, via one of the company’s websites.
The Australian site can be found at and comes complete with a walk-on video greeter, who wanders onto the page from the left-hand side of the screen and begins to extoll the virtues of the product. Fortunately she can be silenced by selecting the stop button, but resumes her spiel every time a new page is visited.
Each (60 capsule) bottle of pills retails at AUD$ 29.95, plus shipping and insurance, but opting to add a second, third, or fourth bottle of pills to an order can secure favourable discounts and rewards. Buying four bottles (AUD$ 119.80) delivers the best value for money because J. C. Arnica throw-in four more bottles for free, along with four bottles of a companion product and a digital pedometers. Four-bottle orders also benefit from free shipping and insurance.
Click to see if Liproxenol Max is one of Australia’s best selling diet pills
What is Liproxenol Max and how does it Work?
Liproxenol Max has been designed to provide weight loss in three main ways:
- Appetite Suppression: Helps dieters to stick to a calorie controlled diet without having to suffer hunger pangs.
- Boosted Metabolism: Causes the body to burn an increased amount of calories.
- Fat burning: Existing body fat is burned to release stored calories.
Key Ingredients
The Liproxenol Max website states the three active ingredient are green coffee bean extract, garcinia cambogia, and raspberry ketones—“No other ingredients. No other fillers. Just 1200mg of pure weight loss power per capsule!” The on-page video presentation contradicts this by stating the blend contains a total of seven ingredients, but fails to identify the other four ingredients.
Green Coffee Bean Extract: An ingredient that became popular when its fat burning abilities were highlighted on America’s Dr Oz show. Green coffee bean provides chlorogenic acid—a powerful fat burner that can further enhance weight loss benefits by stabilising blood sugar levels and suppressing the appetite.
Garcinia Cambogia Extract: Another ingredient that shot to stardom on the strength of an endorsement by Dr Oz. Garcinia cambogia is a highly nutritious fruit that is cultivated in Asia and parts of Africa. The rind of the fruit provides HCA (hydroxycitric acid), a compound with a strong reputation for appetite suppression. The HCA from garcinia cambogia further assists weight loss by working as a carb blocker. Carbohydrates are a high calorie nutrient, so excess carbohydrates in the diet can be a problem, but garcinia cambogia appears to be able to prevent excess carbs from becoming excess poundage around the waist. [Further Reading]
Raspberry Ketones: A fruit extract that can suppress the appetite, stop the body from producing new fat cells, and assist the breakdown of molecules within existing fat cells. Raspberry ketones is also a natural thermogen that assists fat burning and help free up calories to use for other tasks. Like the other two ingredients, raspberry ketones was originally championed by Dr Oz, who likened the ingredient’s abilities to lightning in a bottle.
Liproxenol Max Customer Feedback
The fact that all sales are handled in-house has resulted in a lack of independent feedback, but the Liproxenol Max website is surprisingly rich in customer reviews and video testimonials. One woman states she lost 14lbs to get into her bridesmaid dress, another claims the capsules helped her to shed 17lbs. The accompanying photos reveal the transformation from bikini bulk to bikini babe and are highly convincing.
Liproxenol Max Side Effects & Health Issues
C. Arnica says no side effects have been reported, but state Liproxenol Max is not suitable for pregnant or nursing mothers. Individuals who are taking medication are advised to speak to their doctor before supplementing their diet with Liproxenol Max.
Guarantee Period
If customers fail to reach their target weight (up to 12kg) in 8 weeks, J. C. Arnica promises to supply additional capsules, free of charge, for a total of 90 days, and if results are not forthcoming customers can ask for their money back.
Recommended Alternative
If you are planning to buy or researching Liproxenol Max then we recommend taking a look at Garcinia Cambogia Extra.
It contains both Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketone is arguably the bey example of a combination superfruit diet pill on the planet.